Breaking News
Friday 17 April 2009

Info Post
This bird will likely be the best bird of the trip because the Golden-cheeked Warbler is an Endangered Species and listed as 'one of the most at-risk species in North America' by the National Audubon Society. It's breeding range is restricted to fewer than 25 counties in Central Texas. The neatest part of seeing this Golden-cheeked Warbler was watching it go to a nest which is visible in the lower pic. This male bird stayed at the nest for a minute or so, possibly feeding a female on the nest or maybe doing some work on the nest (females do most of the building but males may assist)

According to Texas Parks & Wildlife, "Golden-cheeked warblers are endangered because many tall juniper and oak woodlands have been cleared to build houses, roads, and stores. Some habitat was cleared to grow crops or grass for livestock. Other habitat areas were flooded when large lakes were built." SeEtta


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