During the 20-30 minutes I watched and photographed this Hermit Thrush, I watched it consume a seed (not sure what plant those seeds were fr...
Migrating Hermit Thrush
I found this migrating Hermit Thrush in Veteran's Park in Canon City,CO this morning. Actually there were two Hermit Thrush but the sec...
Canon City Yellow-bellied Sapsucker(s) return
Canon City, CO has hosted 1 or more Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers very winter since December,2003. I have found them in mid-October in some yea...
Cranes snowstorm stopover
Much of Colorado has been in the grip of a significant snowstorm for the past 3 days. I took this pic of part of a flock of 80-90 Sandhill ...
"It Takes Two To Tutor A Sparrow"
An interesting article from 'ScienceDaily' online news: "It may take a village to raise a child, and apparently it takes at lea...
More Cedar Waxwing pics
I caught the bird in the top pic just as it reached for a juniper berry. Some of the birds, including this one, seemed to believe they were...
Cedar Waxwings, eating machines
Earlier this week I found a flock of at least 25 Cedar Waxwings that were literally devouring the berries in several 15 foot tall juniper tr...
Birds and other species will be affected by climate warming
This is a very good video researched and produced by the Univ of Colorado's Learn More About Climate outreach project. As Colorado...
Interesting, suspected sub-adult, Rufous-crowned Sparrow
As can be seen in these pics, this sparrow has a reduced amount of rufous/rusty coloration on it's crown (but with a definite black outl...
Canon City's Rufous-crowned Sparrows
Yesterday morning I found a small group of at least 3 and possibly 4 Rufous-crowned Sparrows, a specialty species that was found in the Tunn...
Pectoral Sandpiper at 8,000 feet
Yesterday I took advantage of outstanding warms temps (up to mid 80's in Canon City and lower Arkansas River area) to go up to the Wet M...
Egrets at Quivira NWR
These are some of the many egrets that were still at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge in early October as I meandered my way home through Ka...
Elephant & dog are best friends!!
This is an astonishing story by CBS news:
One last pic of "interesting hawk"
10-17-09 Postnote: Tony Leukering, who has extensive professional and birding experience, thinks that this bird is a juvenile light morph H...
More Quivera NWR birds
The top pic is of an American Pipit in Basic plumage I saw at Quivera NWR. The bottom pics are of American Avocets, also in Basic plumage, ...
Black-bellied Plovers at Quivera NWR
In addition to birding at Cheyenne Bottoms during my Kansas trip, I visited Quivera National Wildlife Refuge where I saw this juvenile Black...
More pics of interesting hawk
Here are two more pics of the interesting hawk I saw at Cheyenne Bottoms earlier this week. The whitish panels on the upperwings are quite ...
Ks trip--interesting Cheyenne Bottoms hawk
I just returned to Colo from a trip to Kansas to see an old friend, and do some birding and exploring. I also attended the fall Kansas Orni...