Breaking News
Thursday 29 October 2009

Info Post
Canon City, CO has hosted 1 or more Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers very winter since December,2003. I have found them in mid-October in some years and have been looking for them for about 2 weeks but without any sign (no fresh sapwells) until I spotted this male adult today. He was in a pine tree in Centennial Park, one of several winter hot-spots that this species, as well as some Williamson's and a few Red-naped Sapsuckers in Canon City. I checked two other "sapsucker hotspots" but didn't find any more sapsuckers so this is the first to return.
I posted the close-up bottom pic as it shows better the full black frame around the throat of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, one field mark that separates it from Red-naped Sapsuckers (which have an incomplete black border). SeEtta


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