Breaking News
Saturday 14 November 2009

Info Post
I took these pics of a female Bushtit (females have light eyes) as it foraged in a large patch of rabbitbrush. I am really proud of how nice these came out as they are handheld.
I think these pics compete well with the top pics on the internet (via google) that were taken at feeders, which provide more stable photo conditions than I had as I followed this and the other Bushtits in the flock as they moved up & down, & back & forth, upside down through the vegetation.
Since the pics came out so sharp, each pic is followed by a super close-up from the same pic. I photographed these Bushtits just off a parking area for the Canon City Riverwalk. FYI, this is Psaltriparus minimus plumbeus, the Bushtit subspecies in Colorado that is gray-crowned with grayer feathers all over. SeEtta


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