Breaking News
Monday 7 December 2009

Info Post

I took the pics in the previous post then left. When I returned I took these pics and just expected that I was seeing the same swan until I uploaded the pics to my computer. Then I saw that the top pic in this post (and some other pics I haven't posted) show that the black lores on this swan may extend up higher towards the crown than on the pics I posted before. More clearly, the rusty staining is not present but appears to have been replaced by some blackish staining. I am not sure where that comes from or why the lores appear so significantly higher on this bird's head.
I can only think that it is a different Trumpeter Swan than the one I saw earlier. It also has a straight looking bill without yellow on lores (like Tundra Swans) and the reddish coloration to the bottom mandible can be seen in the second pic when it's enlarged (the head is cocked to the side with the lower mandible facing the camera). As can be seen it has black legs and feet. SeEtta


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