Breaking News
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Info Post
In addition to the single male Red-naped Sapsucker I found on the grounds of The Abbey in Canon City on November 1, there are at least 4 female Williamson's and 2 male Williamson's Sapsuckers at local hotspots. Since female Williamson's look alike, I drove from one hotspot to another finding one at each of 4 hotspots including The Abbey. Since I think it is pretty unlikely that one or more females flew immediately to the next hotspot after I drove to the next one, I believe the 4 females I saw were different individuals.

I haven't seen either of the two male Williamson's I posted on at Lakeside Cemetery on Nov 6 even though I have looked several times. However, I saw both male Williamson's in Rouse Park, one on the north side and one several hundred yards away. I drove back and forth twice between these locations to confirm that these were 2 different birds. I posted photos of the female at The Abbey below so will post photos of the other sapsuckers in next posts. There is a possibility that these are the two male Williamson's that were at Lakeside Cemetery early in Nov but since they don't have bar codes I can't tell. SeEtta


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