Breaking News
Tuesday 1 February 2011

Info Post
Yesterday was nice compared to today. After a low of minus 3 degrees in Canon City (worse in other front range cities), the high only rose to plus 5 degrees at midday. I went out to check on the wintering sapsuckers to see if they would be trying to drill holes in frozen trees and lap up sap that must be thick from well below freezing temps.
I took care to stay far enough back from trees where I have found them so I wouldn't flush them--they need increased food intake in cold weather so I wouldn't want to disturb any feeding they are able to do in this bitter cold. I was surprised to find this male Red-naped and 2 female Williamson's Sapsuckers, including one I missed on yesterday, at least attempting to feed. When I saw this Red-naped, he was just perched as shown with feathers fluffed--it didn't make any attempts to drill or feed during the short time I was there but as shown in this pic there are a number of sap wells circling around this long-leafed pine tree. SeEtta


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