Breaking News
Thursday 28 April 2011

Info Post
I drove back to Florence this morning to see if I could refind the Plegadis ibis flocks I found yesterday in hopes of photographing the Glossy Ibises in good light (last night it was overcast and late in the day so light was not good). I refound most of the 400-500 ibises in one of the same agricultural fields and got these pics.
These are all pics of the same bird taken as it foraged in a field where the owner was irrigating. It has nice blue lines framing it's face and a dark iris. I did not do any editing of these pics (except pic in post above of bird eating worm) other than cropping so colors are not modified. Remember that to double click on each pic to enlarge it (and then click again to super enlarge it, tho this may reduce clarity) SeEtta


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