These Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies are so bright yellow and large that they are the sunshine butterflies to me. Unlike some that will fly ...
'Whit,whit'--Willow Flycatcher
Finally I got an empid flycatcher to call loud enough that I could distinguish the call. I found this bird foraging in the riparian area ne...
Bubbly Bobolink
I found this guy yesterday, the first Bobolink I have found so far in the Canon City,CO area. We are at the extreme limits of breeding for ...
Incessant singer--the Red-eyed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo are like the ever-ready bunny of singers--they just keep singing and singing and singing with only brief breaks. This bird w...
Tail-less McGillivray's Warbler
Back home now in Canon City,CO so birded the Canon City Riverwalk this morning. I found this McGillivray's Warbler that had lost it...
Little big-eyed (Burrowing) owl
This Burrowing Owl was perched on a fence post at the John Martin State Wildlife Area east of Las Animas, CO. Their extra big eyes (relativ...
Long-billed Curlew foraging in wheatfield
I was surprised to find this Long-billed Curlew foraging in dryland wheat field in Kiowa County, CO and I saw it with at least one good siz...
Warbler migrating machine still kicking out birds near Lamar
Winds were terrible, strong and very gusty but there were still migrating warblers at Temple Grove @ Ft Lyon Canal north of Lamar. Fortunat...
American Restart warblers, foraging quickly in Lamar Woods
I ran into local birder Jill White Smith who had found an American Redstart in Lamar Woods earlier this morning. I was able to refind it as...
Singing Northern Parula in Lamar,CO
I know, not a very good pic but this warbler was not being cooperative. Though it sang for a little while, it spent most the time foraging ...
Hooded Warbler pulling nictitating membrane over eyes
The top pic shows the nictiating membrane as it comes up over the Hooded Warbler's eye. The bottom pic, taken about 1 minute later, sho...
More Hooded Warbler pics
This great little warbler would forage for awhile then stop to loaf, sometimes groom a little then sing. A couple of times he would fly in ...
Today a Hooded Warbler at Temple Grove
I ran into some Boulder birders this morning who told me there was a singing Hooded Warbler and a singing Red-eyed Vireo at Temple Grove ear...
Another Temple Grove rarity: Chestnut-sided Warbler
This is the third warbler that is rare to Colorado that I found on Saturday at Temple Grove on the Ft Lyon Canal north of Lamar, CO. Though...
More Magnolia Warbler pics
Three more pics of this very good-looking Magnolia Warbler (even it's name sounds gorgeous) that I photographed over the week-end. I sa...
Photo of Magnolia Warbler I found at a hotspot north of Lamar,CO
After I found this lovely male Magnolia Warbler yesterday at Temple Grove, along the Ft Lyon Canal, I spent about 45 minutes trying to get a...
In the pics on the earlier post and in the top pic, it is clear that this bird has bright yellow plumage on it's underparts and a dark g...
MOURNING WARBLER, very rare bird I found today near Lamar, CO
This morning I birded at a super neotropical migrant trap called Temple Grove. This is a unusual nice grove of trees and shrubs extending f...
Pretty chestnut-cheeked Stilt Sandpipers north of Rocky Ford,CO
I found these two Stilt Sandpipers foraging in the Ordway,CO Feedlot lagoons. I think these sandpipers are very attractive in their Alterna...
More Canon City Riverwalk colorful birds
I photographed these two birds on the Canon City,CO Riverwalk this week. The female Black-headed Grosbeak flew in quite close but thought s...
One of the Gray Flycatchers
This is one of the Gray Flycatchers moving through the Canon City,CO area as they migrate. This one was on the Canon City Riverwalk foragin...
More pics of the Traill's Flycatcher in previous post
I like both of these pics because they provide very good views of the wing feathers and the long primary projection . SeEtta
Enticing empid--safely calling it a Traill's Flycatcher
In addition to the Olive-sided Flycatchers and a few Western Wood-Pewees on the Canon City Riverwalk over the past few days, there were also...
Strange view of Olive-sided Flycatchers
While birding on the Canon City, CO Riverwalk last week-end I spotted 2 large birds at the top of a tree over the trail and the top pic is w...
More Broad-winged Hawk pics
The top pic shows nicely the rufous brown barring on the leg feathers on this bird. Also seen are the mostly whitish undertail coverts. Ot...
Broad-winged Hawk, another Canon City Riverwalk goodie
I spotted this unusual hawk yesterday morning on the Canon City, CO Riverwalk. Broad-winged Hawks have become quite regular with usually on...