Breaking News
Tuesday 17 May 2011

Info Post
In addition to the Olive-sided Flycatchers and a few Western Wood-Pewees on the Canon City Riverwalk over the past few days, there were also empidonax (empid)
flycatchers moving through on their migration. In fact, I saw 8-10 empids day before yesterday and at least 8 yesterday both on the Canon City Riverwalk and just east of Canon City.
This empid was at the Canon City Riverwalk, though along the fence by an agricultural field off the parking lot. Though I suspect this is a Willow Flycatcher, but it didn't vocalize so I am playing it safe by calling it a Traill's (Willow/Alder complex). The only editing I am doing of these empid pics is cropping to enlarge them so their true coloration and shading (given the variations due to lighting) is retained. Got more close up pics and posting next. SeEtta


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