Breaking News
Monday 16 June 2014

Info Post
Sorry for the extended absence.  I kept thinking maybe in a few days I can get back to posting but didn't work out.  I am the environmental rep on the Arkansas Basin Roundtable in Colo that plans for water for our entire river basin.  And we have been pushing hard to get a draft of our Basin Implementation Plan together as it is due at the end of July. 

Meantime it was migration and nesting season for birds here so I have been spending time with them.  I have taken many photos but something had to give and that was uploading, processing and posting photos here.  I also haven't been posting to my state's birding listserve.

Still up to my ears in conservation work but most of migration is over and the intensive following I do with hybrid phoebes is letting up so have a little time to do this.  SeEtta


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