Note: this short video clip is fairly jerky--in order to reduce disturbance to the curlew family yet obtain reasonable video of the quite sm...
Long-billedCurlew-video clip of the chick with the female
In this clip the Long-billed Curlew is seen near the female. First it stands in place as the parents had been giving warning calls. Standin...
Long-billedCurlew:video clip of male and female calling
This video clip begins with the male Long-billed Curlew as it begins giving warning calls in response to me setting up my video on a tripod ...
Long-billed Curlew chick
As can be seen in these pics this Long-billed Curlew chick is still in it's hatchling stage down. This is a very young chick, at least ...
Long-billed Curlew with mother
The mother curlew is near the chick in both of the bottom pics as it forages in the grassy area (actually a lot of forbs). According to Nat...
Long-billed Curlew family with young chick
Yesterday I took advantage of a 'cool' front that dropped the temperatures in Otero County from around 100 to the 80's. I retur...
Just a pretty sunset in raven/bobcat canyon
I took this last night as the sun was setting in the canyon near Canon City,CO where I have been following the Common Raven family and where...
CommonRavenFamily-On night ledge (after bobcat escorted away)
Very short video clip. After the parent ravens have escorted the adult bobcat away from their fledglings, one parent joins the 2 fledglings...
RavensHarassingBobcat Part II
The raven parents continue pursuing the bobcat that emerges from the trees at the top of the cliff. They harass it, even landing close and ...
Ravens Harassing Bobcat-Part I
Tonight at dusk while watching a family of Common Ravens I have been following for the past 2 weeks, I saw the parents fly from past the saf...
Very protective Yellow Warbler pair
While I was looking (unsuccessfully) for the other Western Screech Owl siblings and any parent birds, the female Yellow Warbler in the top p...
Young Western Screech Owl fledgling--more still pics
I took these pics of the young Western Screech Owl fledgling this morning with my Canon xti dslr camera (with my 400 mm lens and 1.6 multip...
Young Western Screech Owl fledgling--digiscoped video clip
I got this video clip of the young Western Screech Owl fledgling by digi-scoping it using my Canon s90 point and shoot camera's video mo...
Young Western Screech Owl fledgling
Last evening, just at dark, as I watched some bats I heard some vocalizations in the trees that seemed familiar. Soon I saw 2 'figures...
Phoebe nestlings being fed
The phoebe nest is located under a culvert across the Arkansas River from the Canon City Riverwalk where I took this video clip through my s...
Curious little weasel
This little weasel was very curious, surprising me that it would come so close to me (less than 15 feet). It even came this close to me as ...
Wow, a Long-tailed Weasel
I was delighted to see this Long-tailed Weasel today as it has been a long time since I have seen one, presumably because they are more comm...
Wildfire-Duckett Fire: slurry bomber drops fire retardant
I wasn't sure as I filmed this if one of the 2 planes I saw was a slurry bomber. It was and it drops the reddish colored fire retardant...
Wildfire-Duckett Fire: video clip showing the breadth of this extensive wildfire
In this clip the extensiveness of this wildfire is shown and I comment on it about how much more fire was there that I hadn't seen until...
Wildfire-Duckett Fire: different views
I took the top pic from a short ways west of Texas Creek (this turns out to be just the north section of the fire)and the Duckett Fire sure ...
Wildfire--Duckett Fire: short video clip from about 7-8 miles away
Another short clip of the Duckett fire that I took yesterday from a little closer, maybe 7-8 miles away (tho I say 10 or more miles away on ...
Wildfire--Duckett Fire: another video clip, a little closer
Another short video clip of the Duckett Fire, this time a little closer-8-10 miles away. SeEtta
Wildfire-Duckett Fire video clip
I took this clip from the Texas Creek area which is about 12 miles away from the north part of the Duckett Fire and the rising column of smo...
Wildfire-Duckett Fire slurry drop by bomber
The top pic shows the slurry drop of fire retardant which is colored bright reddish. The bottom pic shows the bomber (on the left) flying o...
Wildfire--the Duckett Fire in Custer & Fremont Counties, Colorado
This wildfire has burned about 1,500 acres about an hour west of where I live. I drove up that way this afternoon to check on some nesting ...
Black-throated Sparrows continue near Canon City
I continue to see Black-throated Sparrows in a small canyon just south of Canon City,CO. And they continue to sing intermittently (video s...
Bubbly Bobolink (what big feet you have)
I got this photo of one of the 4 Bobolinks I have saw in a hay field in the Canon City area today. I love their bubbly song and this one wa...
Black-throated Sparrows: more pics
This morning I was able to watch 3 Black-throated Sparrows as they either foraged (only one agonistic interaction), or possibly looked for n...
Nice find: Black-throated Sparrows near Canon City
I was very pleased to find Black-throated Sparrows in one of my Colo Breeding Bird Atlas priority blocks just a few miles south of Canon Cit...
Black-crowned Night-Heron: immature bird
This immature Black-crowned Night-Heron is also in Holcim Wetlands. I think it is likely a first spring bird though it's plumage is sim...
Black-crowned Night-Heron: adult in flight
I was really happy to get this pic as one of the adult Black-crowned Night-Herons flew from the Holcim Wetlands to nearby riparian forest to...
Black-crowned Night-Heron: adult in flight
I caught these two pics of one of the adult Black-crowned Night-Herons yesterday. I thought the top pic gave an interesting view of it in mi...
Black-crowned Night-Heron: adult foraging during day
I found this adult Black-crowned Night-Heron at Holcim Wetlands just east of Florence, CO this week. Though I have seen this species in Hol...