Breaking News
Monday 20 June 2011

Info Post
The phoebe nest is located under a culvert across the Arkansas River from the Canon City Riverwalk where I took this video clip through my spotting scope. The culvert is lower than the riverbank where I was standing so I lowered the tripod and took this from a kneeling position, yet still could not get the top of the adults head. This is the female and she appears to be an Eastern Phoebe (tho there is some possibility she is a hybrid EasternXBlack) and the male attending this nest is a Black Phoebe. The nestlings are in the shorter nest on the left. After the female feeds one of the nestlings it turns it's body around and provides a rear view from which the adult takes a fecal sac as it produced and flies off with it. (there is some very interesting info at that link so click on it and many will likely learn something new--I did! SeEtta


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