Breaking News
Friday 8 July 2011

Info Post

This is the apparent male Black Phoebe that has been paired most recently with a probable female Eastern Phoebe. They nested in a culvert across the Arkansas River from the Canon City, CO Riverwalk and are currently feeding at least one offspring that is apparently a BlackXEastern Phoebe hybrid fledgling. This Black Phoebe is, like most the Black Phoebe males I have observed, an excellent mate and father. He stayed brought food to the probable Eastern Phoebe female when she was on the nest then stood guard nearby. He has also provided food to the offspring in the nest and since it/they fledged plus tends to stay close by, chasing off other birds who come too close. Here he has flown across the river to feed and now takes a break by the river as he surveys the area. Did you see it catch some small insect and gobble it down at the beginning of this clip? SeEtta


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