These are two more pics taken of the albino hummingbird in the Salida, CO area earlier this week. I talked to the property owner just a lit...
Least Bittern fledgling taken yesterday: pic not cropped
As I have had questions about whether the Least Bitterns I saw yesterday were in the middle, top or bottom of the cattails, I am posting thi...
Albino hummingbird at feeder in Salida,CO area
Yesterday I was contacted about a possible albino hummingbird that had been photographed coming to feeders in the Salida, CO area. I believ...
Least Bitterns: the male
Shortly after I watched a fledgling (or two) practice clinging to a cattail and looking around (possibly to see what caused all the noise an...
Least Bitterns near Canon City, CO: fledglings!
Due to post surgery restrictions I haven't been able to get out to the Holcim Wetlands where the Least Bittern was found 2 weeks ago. S...
More pics of MacGillivray's Warbler
These are more pics of one of the two MacGillivray's Warblers I found two days ago. They seemed to be together as they fed near each ot...
MacGillivray's Warblers migrating through
I found 2 MacGillivray's Warblers migrating through my friend's farm just east of Canon City two days ago. They were very actively ...
Shorebird survives flight through Hurricane Irene!
] While birds and other wildlife have evolved over thousands of years with hurricanes and other severe weather events, they are still subjec...
The world is a dangerous place for nestling birds
A recently published study in The Condor --' Influence of condition and habitat use on survival of post-fledgling songbirds' found ...
Least Bittern: hunting at Holcim Wetlands-CO
I returned 4 days ago to Holcim Wetlands before 7 am to try to refind the rare Least Bittern and hopefully get some pics in good light. Tho...
American Kestrel: chowing down
It didn't take this female bird long to start eating her grasshopper prey, a frequent meal item for this species. It's interesting ...
American Kestrel: only a few yards above
Here is another a in series of close-up encounters I have experienced in the past few weeks--this time this American Kestrel flew onto a tre...
Bullock's Oriole: more close ups
I was very surprised to see the gleam in this bird's eye which is shown so well in the top pic. So commonly this is the result of photo...
Bullock's Oriole up very close and personal
Landbird migration has been in full swing this week in riparian areas in the Canon City, CO area. I have apparently been living right as th...
Lewis'sWoodpeckers: view of adult from below and a juvenile
As I noted in last post the Lewis's Woodpeckers landed in a snag almost directly above me and that produced the top pic, a view from rig...
Lewis's Woodpeckers: return to nest site area
It is my experience that after the Lewis's Woodpecker young fledge the parents move them quickly away from the nest site as soon as thei...
Rock Wren at wetlands??
As I sat quietly waiting for the Least Bittern at Holcim Wetlands this rather disheveled Rock Wren 'appeared' by a log less than 10 ...
Least Bittern: the last pics
The sun was out from behind some clouds providing better lighting for these pics. I really like this top pic as it shows the neck plumage we...
Oops, Least Bittern is looking at me
In the top pic the Least Bittern is looking directly in my direction and I suspect it has heard the mechanical clicks of my Canon dslr camer...
Rare Least Bittern at Holcim Wetlands in Colorado
This Least Bittern was found this week by a local birder, Rich, at the Holcim Wetlands east of Florence,CO. This is a rare bird in any part...
More Red-headed Woodpecker pics
In the top pick the bird's nictitating membrane is almost covering it's eye. In the bottom pic the bird is just lookin good. SeEt...
Handsome Red-headed Woodpecker
I found this Red-headed Woodpecker on a telephone pole not far from the Ft Lyon Canal in Otero County, CO yesterday. I think that this is s...
Lark Buntings, time to migrate
I found these Lark Buntings that were part of a larger flock of close to 50 birds yesterday in Crowley County. Like in this group composed ...
Migrating Sanderlings stopping over to fuel up
I found these two migrating Sanderlings working the small shoreline at Lake Meredith yesterday. These two must have left their breeding gro...
Cormorant take off: hop, lunge, hop .... then lift off
I got these pics of a Double-crested Cormorant as it started to take off, an effort that involves 'hopping' (with both feet) across ...
Cute young racoons (but oh, so destructive)
When I got out of my car the other night I spotted two young racoons running by my drive-way. When they saw me they climbed a tree in my fr...
Uncommon hawk in Fremont County, CO: a Swainson's
I found this adult Swainson's Hawk south of Florence, CO and still within Fremont County tonight. They are uncommon in my county though...