Breaking News
Sunday 28 August 2011

Info Post
I found 2 MacGillivray's Warblers migrating through my friend's farm just east of Canon City two days ago. They were very actively feeding in some tree limbs just above a farm pond. Photographing this active warbler species is always a challenge because they like to skulk behind thicker vegetation or messy areas with lots of limbs and stuff in the way of a clear shot like in the bottom pic. I hear them give their 'chip' call more often during spring migration so less auditory cues now also. Plus I am still recovering from outpatient surgery to improve my vision so I cannot yet bring the binoculars or camera eyepiece up to my eye as there are still stitches (and chance for infection) so more of a challenge for me to follow their often quick movements and get good focus (yes, I have to focus manually). So I was pleased with these and pics that follow. SeEtta


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