Breaking News
Tuesday 17 July 2012

Info Post
Bird nerd stuff-Summary of Am Ornithological Union(AOU) changes to birds in North America from Ken Kaufman's blog: Xantus's Murrelet was split into Scripps's Murrelet for those breeding "on islands off the coast of southern California and northwestern Baja" and Guadalupe Murrelet for those that breed "mainly on islands off of western Baja (and wanders north into California waters)" "Gray Hawk: Buteo nitidus becomes Buteo plagiatus. (Split from South American "Gray-lined Hawk," which keeps the name nitidus.) "Purple Gallinule: Porphyrio martinica becomes Porphyrio martinicus" "Chuck-will's-widow: Caprimulgus carolinensis becomes Antrostomus carolinensis. Eastern Whip-poor-will: Caprimulgus vociferus becomes Antrostomus vociferus. Mexican Whip-poor-will: Caprimulgus arizonae becomes Antrostomus arizonae." "Calliope Hummingbird: Stellula calliope becomes Selasphorus calliope." "Sage Sparrow: Amphispiza belli becomes Artemisiospiza belli." "Carpodacus purpureus becomes Haemorhous purpureus. Cassin's Finch: Carpodacus cassinii becomes Haemorhous cassinii. House Finch: Carpodacus mexicanus becomes Haemorhous mexicanus."

 Per Ken Kaufman, the AOU is also changing the order of Falcons and Parrots in the checklist of birds. Go to the link above for a little more info. SeEtta


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