Breaking News
Saturday 22 September 2012

Info Post

Today I found River Park in Florence, CO to be very active for the first time in quite a while (the city has let people drive all over, destroying vegetation). Among the birds there I found two Eastern Phoebes and a Black Phoebe. One of the Eastern's was an immature, the bird in these photos, while the other was an adult. I had seen this immature in and near this park a few times in the past month and it did not seem to want to share it with either of the other two phoebes as it had several antagonistic interactions with each of them. I did not get photos of the Black or adult Eastern but did get these of the immature Eastern.

The mostly buffy edges on it's wing coverts are seen in the top photo. And the bottom photo shows the pointed rectices found on birds of this species in First Basic plumage (September-August) as noted in Birds of North America online. SeEtta


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