Breaking News
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Info Post

During the winter Bald Eagles move south to areas with open water and the Arkansas River through the Bighorn Canyon is always open for at least much of the way even in severe winters. I was disappointed to find only this one Bald Eagle but this is around the time they start migrating back north. Sorry for not getting good close-ups but this eagle was perched about 350 feet away.

This is a subadult IV, meaning it is an eagle in it's 4th year. While some eagles attain full adult plumage at this age some, like this bird are only close. It has dark smudges on it's yellow bill, it's white head and neck have dark markings, some white feathering on both it's body and flight feathers, some retained white splotches on it's belly and flanks, and dark markings on it's tail feathers. SeEtta


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