Breaking News
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Info Post

This is Diana Miller who is the Director of the Pueblo Raptor Center holding a Western Screech Owl. It was not acting right plus being mobbed by Blue Jays and a neighbor, Nancy Jordan, fortunately was observing it in her yard and contacted local Wildlife Office Zach Holder. Long story short--I ran into Zach and he told me he was trying to make arrangements for someone to meet him halfway to transport an injured owl to the Pueblo Raptor Center so I volunteered to do the transport.

The owl turned out to have a concussion and has been in the Raptor Center for past 3 weeks but was ready to be released. Per protocol raptors are released at or near where they are found. So Diana brought the little guy (yup, a male) back to my 'hood' in the Lincoln Park area of Canon City, CO late this afternoon and is preparing to release him into one of the nearby evergreen trees. The rest of the story above. SeEtta


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