Breaking News
Saturday 10 August 2013

Info Post

Though I have continued to observe one or more young Black Phoebes every day (except one day when I couldn't look for them due to out of town meeting) west of the Sell's Lake parking lot for the Canon City Riverwalk it has become more difficult to get good photos as I believe the young phoebes have attained independence. There are fewer calls to help me relocate them. I took these photos on August 6. In the top pic the phoebe was on the other side of the Arkansas River, about a 80-90 feet away.

In the middle pic the young phoebe had flown across the river and was less than 40 feet away. And the bottom photo was again across the river. The bird in the front is a fledgling and I believe the bird in the back is a parent bird-I watched the fledgling chase the other bird a little as fledglings do to their parents in hope of a handout. SeEtta


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