Breaking News
Sunday 10 August 2014

Info Post

These are White-lined Sphinx moths I took with my Samsung Galaxy III smartphone. The top three pics were in the Bighorn Sheep Canyon area west of Canon City a few days ago.

This moth is nectaring on Rocky Mountain beeplant (Cleome serrulata),  that is native in many states.
Post by SeEtta Moss.
I found this perched moth last week on the back of my car that was in a parking lot in Lamar,CO.

Post by SeEtta Moss.
Shortly after I spotted the first one, I found that there were now two and they were mating.

I found this perched moth last week on the back of my car that was in a parking lot in Lamar,CO. Shortly after I spotted the first one, I found that there were now two and they were mating. Since I had to leave and there was little vegetation in and around the parking lot I drove slowly about a block so I did not dislodge the 'couple'. Once I got to a nice natural area I carefully put a stick under them and transferred them, still attached to each other, to a tree.


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