Breaking News
Thursday 23 April 2015

Info Post
I have been following both the Black and Eastern Phoebe population in the Canon City area for more than a decade. In the past 3-4 weeks a number of both Black and Eastern Phoebes returned to the area and were in traditional nesting locations. I found this typical appearing Eastern Phoebe on the nest today as I inadvertently flushed her when I walked nearby. I had seen another phoebe nest just 30 feet from this one and had been watching it for a few days but was unaware of this well concealed nest until she flew. I took the pic below of the nest that is zoomed and cropped to show the fine grasses lining the nest cup which has a lot of moss on it then left to allow her to return to her nest. I waited a distance away in my car then drove in as this in my experience is usually less likely to flush the bird. I took the photo of her on her nest from my car, very quietly and left in less than 2 minute--she remained on the nest which was my goal. Now that I know where she is nesting I will avoid walking in this area so I do not flush her again and will monitor carefully from my car. SeEtta


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