Today I found a Western Kingbird nesting above an old oriole nest. This pair of kingbirds lost a prior nest a few weeks ago when it was blo...
Duplex oriole nests
I found these two Bullock's Oriole nests after hearing the fledglings calling. This is the first time I have seen these apparent duplex...
Juvenile Belted Kingfisher
I have been watching a family of 4 Belted Kingfishers over the past 3 days. I believe there are an adult male, an adult female, and 2 juven...
Black Phoebe juveniles in Canon City area
Yesterday 2 juvenile Black Phoebes found their way to one of the ponds on my friend's property east of Canon City. I suspect these are ...
Adaptable Am Dipper in Salida
I wanted to share two final pics of American Dippers I took last week-end. This shows an American Dipper I found in Salida that adapted to ...
Close views of parent Am Dippers
These are pics of one (or possibly both) parent birds in the prior post. The top pic shows the parent bringing a small insect to the nestli...
American Dipper & nestlings
Over the week-end I birded my way to Salida through the Big Horn Sheep Canyon from my home in Canon City. The Arkansas River flows through ...
Take action to help songbirds
From American Bird Conservancy: "We need your help to dramatically increase funding available for the conservation of migratory birds. ...
Addendum: Not a Baird's Sparrow also in Salida
After discussions with 2 highly skilled Colorado birders, one who has held birds of this species in his hand during banding,and review of ub...
Eastern Meadowlark in Salida, CO
Yesterday I had a meeting for most of the day in Salida,CO area which is tucked into at around 7,000 feet in elevation and surrounded by 14,...
Clark's Grebe with staining on breast
When I scoped for waterfowl at Lake Henry (near Ordway,CO), I was disappointed to find no nesting grebes. Last summer hundreds of Clark...
Red-headed Woodpeckers breeding-a photo chronology
While birding at Lake Holbrook, north of La Junta, Co, a few days ago, I was delighted to find four Red-headed Woodpeckers in a small grove ...
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