Breaking News
Wednesday 17 June 2009

Info Post

From American Bird Conservancy: "We need your help to dramatically increase funding available for the conservation of migratory birds. Please can you Act for Songbirds today?

A bill has been introduced in the Senate and a companion bill in the House, to reauthorize the existing Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act at significantly higher levels. By sending a message to your Senators and Representative, you can ensure that both bills pass for the benefit of birds.

Thanks to these bipartisan bills in the Senate and House, funding could be dramatically increased from the current authorized level of $6 million to $20 million. All grants made by this Act must be matched by other funds at a ratio of 3:1, meaning every one tax-payer dollar from the Act leverages three from private sources. Overall, the program could result in some $60 million in additional funding for bird conservation!

You can make a difference! Using our automated action center, you can quickly and easily send a message to your Senators and Representative asking them to support these bills.

This is the one simple thing everyone can do for birds.
Click here to help songbirds

Thanks for helping the birds we all enjoy. SeEtta


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