I couldn't help but to put up a few more pics I got today of the Black-throated Sparrows since they came out pretty darn good, especially as they are all hand-help pics with the birds more than 50 feet away (and sparrows are small objects at that distance). The top pic is an adult bird and this pic shows nicely the brownish back feathers over the grayish crown, ear coverts, sides and flanks. I'm not sure if this is the same adult as in the pic in the post below, or possibly the female. This bird was in a snag that the young bird in juvenal plumage in the bottom two pics flew into.

Both of these bottom pics are of the same bird in juvenal plumage, with it's white chin, streaked breast, white eye-crescent and white supercilium. A juvenile chased an adult bird several times, possibly trying to get fed? SeEtta
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