Breaking News
Friday 3 July 2009

Info Post
Though hybridization between Eastern and Black Phoebes has been discussed for several years, there has been a lack of documentation. I first observed a Black and an Eastern Phoebe attending a common nest more than 5 years ago but was not able to be there when the birds fledged. Since then I have seen several phoebes with intermediate plumage between Black and Eastern that I believe to be hybrids including one, with a Black Phoebe male attending her, that had a failed nesting attempt last month.
I think this bird shows the most overlap of plumage between Black and Eastern Phoebes of any I have seen. Unfortunately this bird was more than 75 feet away so even with my 400mm lens I could't get a great photo. It has as whitish underparts like an Eastern but with some black on chin and throat and more black extensive patches black on sides, flanks than found on an Easter Phoebe plus the black extends into breast and belly areas. This bird sang an Eastern Phoebe song several times. SeEtta


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