Breaking News
Sunday 9 August 2009

Info Post
Today while checking for late nesters on my Colo Breeding Bird Atlas block east of Florence,CO, I saw this juvenile Peregrine Falcon fly down the Arkansas River and into some adjacent cottonwood woodlands in pursuit of a meal. It apparently was unsuccessful and perched in a tree where I took some of these pics.
While perched, the apparent resident Redtail Hawk flew nearby calling it's displeasure at this competition in it's hunting grounds. Though the Peregrine didn't leave, it was clearly paying attention as it moved it's head in a manner I have seen done by Great Horned Owls which was amusing when done by a falcon.
The juvenile took off two more times and attempted to catch a bird but still unsuccesful. It's a hard life for juvenile raptors learning how to hunt. Most of these pics will enlarge for nice close-ups so just double click on each pic to really see the field marks well. SeEtta


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