Breaking News
Sunday 9 August 2009

Info Post
On 8-4-09 I found these Black Phoebe fledglings near the MacKenzie Bridge over the Arkansas River on the east edge of Canon City, CO. Earlier this summer I found fledglings being fed by a parent right where I found these new fledglings. So it is most likely that the same set of parents renested and these are the offspring.
I found at least 3 fledglings and possibly 4 but don't know if each of the pics is of a different or same bird. Each pic does show a characteristic of Black Phoebe fledglings. While the top pic is less than sharp, it does show the almost straight line between the black breast tne white belly, a characteristic that provides clues to the age of the bird as this line becomes more like the 'V' that is characteristic of adult Black Phoebes. In the second pic, you can see clearly that the tips of the tail feathers (rectrices) are not rounded like they are in adult birds. This pic also shows the darker black of Black Phoebes in juvenal plumage compared to adult birds.
The third pic shows well the cinnamon or rusty edging on the wing coverts. It also shows the creamy colored gape and mandibles still yellowish at base (bill will become black with brown at base).
The bottom pic shows just how distint the rusty brown edging on the coverts and secondaries are. This pic also gives the most common view of Black Phoebes as they love to perch under overhanging vegetation over water, meaning one either views them from the other shore or through the vegetation as here. Unfortunately I didn't have a good enough pic that shows just how short the tail of Black Phoebe fledglings are compared to the longish adult tail. SeEtta


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