Breaking News
Saturday 12 June 2010

Info Post
While driving on a county road in northern Otero County, Colo today I spotted a pair of Long-billed Curlews flying nearby. After slamming on my brakes and parking quickly I was able to refind these two and watch them fly back and forth across the county road I was on. They began vocalizing in the very distinctive way of their species. They landed and flew about, then walked about for a bit. Then I saw what looked like a young curlew--maybe 2/3 the size of the parents. The young bird walked with the two adults as they vocalized a lot now. Then they flew off into the grasslands away from the road and I lost track of them and the young bird.
After driving adjacent county roads looking unsuccessfully for the curlews I returned to the original area and found the pair plus two more full size birds (I saw them distantly but I think they were all adults) as shown in the bottom pic as they foraged in tall grasses. All four curlews are shown in that bottom pic so look closely to see all of them. SeEtta


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