Breaking News
Thursday 24 June 2010

Info Post
After the young chick I photographed in the post below disappeared from view, I drove my car another feet closer to the canal in hopes I could refind the chick. Though I didn't see it again for awhile, I noticed the adult female curlew on the other side of the road on top of the canal on that side. Then I spotted a chick not far from the female--this turned out to be different and older chick (clearly longer bill) than the one I had first seen. Aha!--this pair of curlews has two chicks. The male was watching the younger one on one side of the road and the female was watching the older chick on the other side of the road. The best part for me was that the chicks were not as distant from the road as the one I watched and photographed last week (presumably this, the older chick) which provides better photos (and much better video, but I haven't edited that yet). This older chick spent most of the next hour and half I watched just loafing in about the same place while the female foraged nearby. SeEtta


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