Breaking News
Saturday 3 July 2010

Info Post
I just read on Texbirds that some jerk drove into the closed off area of the Rockport Beach Park in the dsrk July 1/2 and ran over 37-39 Black Skimmer babies in a nesting area. The post indicated that this amounted to 20-25% of the total count for Black Skimmer babies counted the day before. How awful.

Here is a eyewitness description: "There were young chicks lying everywhere on the paved road, having been crushed by vehicles. The birds had been driven to high ground and careless or mean drivers had gunned them down. I counted thirty-seven dead chicks in the road. Only one adult. That could well be a third of the entire hatch for this summer. It was devastating to see." From the Muse is Loose blog. SeEtta


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