Breaking News
Tuesday 13 July 2010

Info Post
While doing a little birding at Lamar Woods in Lamar,CO two days ago, I spotted a Mississippi Kite appearing to build a nest. All she had was a few sticks on a branch as shown in the top pic. She appeared to be easily disturbed and though I wasn't positive initially, I didn't want to take a chance of interfering with breeding behavior so I left and returned later that day. I found a Mississippi Kite (sexes look the same) in the area both in the afternoon but no bird went near the apparent site. I came back near dusk but didn't find any kites. I had some conservation stuff to do yesterday morning so didn't get to check on her again until yesterday afternoon--again I saw a kite perched in the area and also one flying high above but no indication of activity around the apparent nest.
So I was beginning to think I had imagined that the kite was building the nest until I stopped there this morning and took the bottom pic--this is clearly a nest and I got to watch her building it for awhile. I also got some very good video of her nest building behavior so check out the next post. SeEtta


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