Breaking News
Monday 9 August 2010

Info Post
This morning I stopped by briefly to check on the phoebe fledglings progress. I only saw one fledgling, one that I believe to be slightly but noticeably larger than it's siblings (I know, they all look alike but I have been observing dozens of phoebes over the years and some for weeks on end, and I have found that many do have plumage that is subtly different). It was located near the nest site and appeared to be alone. It flew out after a number of insects with only occasional success. After a time the adult bird appeared, caught an insect which it fed to the fledgling--again the adult is supplementing the fledglings food but letting it practice.

This evening when I returned to my friend's place to walk my dogs at dusk, as soon as I parked my car I heard 'tseep' calls (the calls these probably hybrid phoebes, as well as Black Phoebes, make). A parent phoebe and one fledgling were sallying after insects from a structure next to the Arkansas River (and one of the good feeding locations). The fledgling flew out repeatedly after insects with limited success then the parent bird fed it. After my walk I returned and watched the phoebes until almost dark. The fledgling phoebe continued it's forays after flying insects until 8:24 pm--sunset was 8:03 pm here. This was a hungry young bird intent on filling it's belly as much as it could before dark. SeEtta


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