Breaking News
Monday 16 August 2010

Info Post
Much to my surprise as I walked across a bridge over the Arkansas River at Texas Creek, CO yesterday this young Common Raven flew onto a fence about 15 feet in front of me. I had earlier heard some muffled calls that sounded sort of like a Common Raven and they must have come from this bird.
This Common Raven is quite young, possibly even a fledgling or not long since it was. It has a very pink mouth lining with a still some pink on base of bill. Eyes are grayish though somewhat difficult to see in these pics. Plumage brownish-black with wing and tail feathers glossy (supposed to be green or purple gloss but it looks like a blue gloss to me).
I had my smaller dog with me and he was startled and unsure of this bird that, though it weighs a lot less, is actually larger than him. I held him at my side by his leash but when the raven started to call it scared by dog who barked at it causing it to fly away before I could study it better. SeEtta


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