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Saturday 11 December 2010

Info Post
This morning I hiked a little over a mile following the dry gulch where I have been following the Williamson's Sapsuckers in the siberian-type elm trees. There were only a few small groves of these invasive elms but I did find trees with what looked to me like recent (not real fresh like they are still being worked but made within the past month or two) sap wells as shown in the top pic. The tree in the top pic is in the small grove in the bottom pic. I did not find any sapsuckers but did see several Juniper Titmouse, some Western Scrub Jays and a lot of Townsend's Solitaires. I was surprised to find 1 young cottonwood with sap wells. These were all surrounded by pinyon-juniper woodlands and though I only looked at only a few dozen of these trees I only saw a few with very old sap wells. SeEtta


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