Breaking News
Friday 12 October 2012

Info Post
Awesome video of Osprey catching multiple (5+) fish in one scoop, then a good size flounder under 3 feet of water then another Osprey taking about a 5 lb steelhead trout that it can barely fly off with. This fantastic video clip is from "Wonderful footage of an osprey catching fish. Hovering at moderate height, the osprey dramatically plunges down feet first to snatch fish from the water's surface. A shake of the head as it emerges from the water; the osprey carries its skilfully captured prey with its long talons. More osprey videos can be found on, along with videos of other birds of prey, fish and thousands more fascinating species." "ARKive ( ) is a unique global initiative, gathering together into one centralised digital library, films, photographs and audio recordings of the world's species. ARKive is leading the 'virtual' conservation effort - finding, sorting, cataloguing and copying the key audio-visual records of the world's animals, plants and fungi, and building them into comprehensive and enduring multi-media digital profiles. " SeEtta


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