Breaking News
Wednesday 24 October 2012

Info Post

Orphaned walruses cared for at Alaska SeaLife Center from anchoragedailynews on Vimeo. According to a news article: “We figure (leaving baby walruses behind) is probably a common situation,” said SeaLife Center President Tara Riemer Jones. “It just happened close to a community this time.” Pacific Walruses, an estimated 200,000 of them, migrate along with the southern edge of pack ice from the Bering Sea to the Chukchi and Beaufort seas as it expands and recedes through the seasons. Shrinking ice means less walrus habitat. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has recommend they be protected under the Endangered Species Act." So the two amazingly cute baby walruses shown in this video, named Pakak and Mitik, were 4 to 6 weeks old when they lost track of their herd and fortunately rescued. They were brought to the Alaska Sea Life Center where this video was taken. Walruses are running out of habitat thanks to Climate Change and many more baby walruses are at risk of being orphaned but most won't survive. SeEtta (click on the work 'Vimeo' in far right bottom corner to view full screen-best view)


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