Breaking News
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Info Post

I am still recovering from the current nasty flu virus so I went to Anzalduas County Park this afternoon to do some light birding (mostly by car, limited forays on foot). Though a post on Texbirds noted a Zone-tailed Hawk was seen there this morning, I did not one--but I ain't going to complain as I have more than my share this trip. I did find the adult male Pine Warbler shown above (strange, it looks like it's legs are grayish and feet yellowish while adults of this species have black/dark legs???).

Also found a female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, an immature (limited red on head, facial markings not well developed, still has --Basic II plumage). SeEtta Post note 1-25-13: I have been advised that Pine Warblers are known to have yellowish feet in winter with a description of this in the Peterson field guide series book "Warblers."


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