Breaking News
Friday 25 January 2013

Info Post

Today while birding in an area of Anzalduas County Park with a lot of trees am adult Zone-tailed Hawk essentially strafed (like an airplane) the area coming down to just above the tree tops (less than 75 feet). I had a good look at it and saw 2 white bars on it's tail. I did not have my camera with me I didn't get a photo. I looked for another birder who had been looking for a Zone-tailed Hawk and we spent another hour or so looking for one. Finally this one was spotted by a third birder as it flew in across the Rio Grande River to just above the park and I got a few quick flight shots. This second observation today was almost as brief as the first as the hawk turned a few flight feathers and zipped right out of there. The pic in the post above is the best. SeEtta


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