Breaking News
Sunday 5 August 2012

Info Post

I got better photos of the female entering the nest hole with food while better ones of the male as it exited the nest hole as seen here. I did observe and photograph the male bringing what looked like an insect into the nest hole but the photo quality wasn't great. Here it is exiting with what is likely a fecal sac and flying off with it. SeEtta

As I noted above, please note that I was a good 150 feet from the nest tree (and though I stayed in my car to reduce disturbance, the birds did appear to be aware of my presence and would turn towards me they heard the mechanical sounds of my taking a photo)--I have a camera set-up that is approx 900mm in equivalence and then I crop the photos for even close views. As much as they may be used to having people around I think it is responsible to photograph and view the birds at their nest hole from at least a hundred feet.


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