Breaking News
Monday 13 January 2014

Info Post

Yesterday I refound the Groove-billed Anis in the Donna Reservoir area. They had moved from the taller vegetation adjacent to the fallow ag fields to the cattails and other plants in a ditch with a little water in it. I watched them for about 15 minutes as they flew mostly through the vegetation and vocalizing to each other. While I was watching 3 of them at least partially visible I could hear at least one more a little further down the ditch so there are at least 4 in this group.

The photo below is often the most I could see of these anis as stayed mostly inside the vegetation so I was really surprised when the bird above came out in the open and perched for a couple of minutes. Finally a shots that are clear of vegetation so they sharply focused. I think their scalloped-like plumage is quite handsome. SeEtta


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