Breaking News
Tuesday 21 January 2014

Info Post
Stephanie Galla and I went birding in the Upper Rio Grande Valley yesterday. We were pleased to find not only one but 2 Gray Hawks while we were at Chapeno.
The photos of in flight Gray Hawk are of one of the birds.
The perched hawk is the second Gray Hawk. They were both pretty near each other for more than 15 minutes without apparent antagonism so seems likely that in this season they are a mated pair.
While we were at the feeders in Salineno Michael Marston and a group he was leading arrived and shared the fun. Michael spotted this Zone-tailed Hawk as it did a fly-over. It kept circling as it moved away so the hawk was more than a hundred yards away when I got this photo.

Several Atlamira Orioles came in to feed while we were there.

We enjoyed watching this Greater Roadrunner at Falcon State Park as it hunted insects on and near the road for more than 20 minutes.

There was a flock of about 15 Least Sandpipers on the rocks in the Rio Grande River at Chapeno.

We saw several American Pipits also along the Rio Grande.
And this Collared Peccarry (often called Javelina) was one of the several that we saw at Falcon State Park where they were eating the hard fruit of native olive trees. SeEtta


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