Breaking News
Monday 13 January 2014

Info Post
I birded Anzalduas County Park, a Lower Rio Grande Valley birding hotspot, last Friday and I returned today to recheck one section that was quite birdie. Today I found this Nashville Warbler, a species that apparently winters in this area and that I saw at Edinburg wetlands two weeks ago, but I haven't heard of one reported at this location.

I was told by a birder from Canada that there were 2-3 Black-throated Gray Warblers there but I only saw this one that enjoyed a refreshing bath when the temps were in the 80's.

I saw this Brown Pelican there both on Friday and today--it has been reported for some time along the Rio Grande River that curves around this park.  As this is inland, this pelican is considered a rare sighting.

Today the winds got strong so the pelican sought a sheltered location around this old dock.

I was surprised to see the pelican feeding on some small food that it searched for around the pilings and near the surface of the water while it floated in this sheltered area.
This Ruby-crowned Kinglet, a species here, spread it's tail feathers for a nice view while bathing. SeEtta


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