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Tuesday 15 May 2012

Info Post

I found several male Bobolinks engaged in countersinging in the middle of some farm fields for which I had permission to enter so I was able to get about 80 feet from them for this video. I was able to get 3 Bobolinks in the lens view as they were close together as they engaged in the aggressive territorial auditory and behavioral display. They sand for more than 5 minutes with a few collective pauses as they fluffed up their feathers and engaged in various aggressive poses. Though only 3 Bobolinks are seen at one time the voices heard on the video are of a total of 9 Bobolink that sang in this location, all within 40 feet of each other so they came through nicely. Occasionally a Western Meadowlark, also perched nearby, is heard singing.

 At the end of the video I pan over to a 4th Bobolink that has it's back to us showing it's gorgeous golden-yellow and white feathering like the two in this pic. This is the largest group of Bobolinks I have ever seen in one location and the chorus of them was a great experience. SeEtta


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