Breaking News
Friday 4 May 2012

Info Post
Though I would like to have been there when the baby bluebirds fledged I had to leave. When I returned a few hours later they were gone from the nest. After some searching I found them in the nest tree and trees nearby. Now I had to leave my ‘car blind’ and take my Canon 60d dslr camera (it also shoots these HD video clips) on a tripod to a location where I could see the bird through the trees. I spotted the baby bluebirds with my binoculars which I find very important when photographing birds as they provide better visual acuity than does any camera/camcorder viewfinder I have used. I was amazed that two of these baby bluebirds that had fledged within the past 4 hours had managed to fly to a tree over 50 feet away. There were at least 4 and possibly 5 fledglings and they kept the parent birds very busy flying to different locations in 3 trees to feed them. The video below is a short clip showing one of the bluebird babies grooming itself from where it was perched in the crook of a tree. Post notes: I found the parents on the day after the babies fledged but could not located the baby birds. However, I did find two of the baby birds on their day 3 out of the nest. The parents had moved them several hundred yards from the nest tree and while I watched one of the fledglings flew out to fly after it’s own food, a task it did successfully. SeEtta


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