Breaking News
Friday 11 May 2012

Info Post

This morning I birded the Canon City,CO Riverwalk for a bit and found this pair of Western Bluebirds in a field where they were foraging, often close to each other. I watched to see if they had a nest nearby as a pair had nested not far from this location last year. After almost 15 minutes I observed one then the other take off with food in it's bill, flying high up into a grove of trees presumably to feed nestlings in a natural nest hole there. I tried to find the nest site in this wooded area that has a lot of good nest holes in several trees but the area is being flooded with water.

While I was watching I saw this long strand of apparent nylon line that was attached to a stick on the ground then sent about 80 feet up into a tall cottonwood where it was stuck--I guess it is some strong kite line. Most years a pair of Cooper's Hawks nests in this area and I didn't want to risk a young hawk not seeing it in time and injuring itself on this very strong line so I tried to pull it in hopes it would break off from the tree. No such luck, it just bit hard into my hand. So I tried letting it wrap around me while I turned around and around, but it still didn't break and it was hurting me even though it was on the outside of my coat. So I had to cut it with my nail clippers and take the section I had home with me.

While I was tied up in this line the female bluebird flew onto a tree only about 15 feet away. I had to carefully free one arm so I could get the photos of her that are posted here. I also saw a Yellow-rumped Warbler and my first of the year Wilson's Warbler fly nearby while I was incapacitated. SeEtta


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