Breaking News
Monday 7 May 2012

Info Post
Yesterday I drove 150 miles to a migrant trap in Bent County, CO. The winds were strong and gusty so birding was challenging. This hotspot had it's usual good numbers of resident Gray Catbirds and American Goldfinch plus several Swainson's Thrush that are common migrants through here. At least one Warbling Vireo serenaded in competition to the sound of the winds. Several of each Yellow and Yellow-rumped Warblers foraged with the latter working the ground out of the winds. I spotted a warbler with white on it's tail but did not refind for identification until later when a female Hooded Warbler popped up briefly. The only other rarity was this Summer Tanager which can be seen in the lower photo as bright red but having greenish feathers on wings and tails which identifies it as a first spring/summer male. A very slow day for this location during spring migration. SeEtta


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